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(MS1645) Tasman Double Layer wool and possum Sweater

(MS1645) Tasman Double Layer wool and possum Sweater
Price: AUD $180.00

Unique double layer 36.6 double or nothing, pure wool and possum fibre. Fabric Pure Wool and Eco Blend. Made in New Zealand.

(MS1647 ) Extreme double layer possum hoodie

(MS1647 ) Extreme double layer possum hoodie
Price: AUD $220.00

Exreme unique double layer 36.6 deg, double or nothing, pure wool and possum fibre eco blend. Made in New Zealand.

(MS1717) Blizzard wool and possum Sweater

(MS1717) Blizzard wool and possum Sweater
Price: AUD $170.00

Blend of recycled possum, wool and other natural fibres and nylon.Fabric eco blend. Made in New Zealand.

(MS1724) Legend wool and possum Sweater

(MS1724) Legend wool and possum Sweater
Price: AUD $160.00

Blend of recycled possum, wool and other natural fibres and nylon. Fabric eco blend. Made in New Zealand.

(MS1728) Woodland wool and possum Sweater

(MS1728) Woodland wool and possum Sweater
Price: AUD $170.00

Blend of recycled possum, wool and other natural fibres and nylon. Fabric eco blend, made in New Zealand.

(MS1729)Tasman Vest (zip up) double layer wool possum

(MS1729)Tasman Vest (zip up) double layer wool possum
Price: AUD $160.00

Unique double layer 36.6 Deg Double or nothing. Pure wool and possum fibre eco blend.Zip up sleeveless vest. Made in New Zealand.

(MS1731) Endurance (ziptop) double layer possum sweater

(MS1731) Endurance (ziptop) double layer possum sweater
Price: AUD $195.00

Zip up possum sweater vest, unique double layer, double or nothing 36.6 deg, possum and polypropylene blend. Made in New Zealand.

(MS1731) Endurance possum Sweater

(MS1731) Endurance possum Sweater
Price: AUD $195.00

36.6 Polypropylene and possum fibre. Fabric Possum and Polypropylene Blend. Made in New Zealand.

(MS1732) Endurance double layer possum vest (zip up)

(MS1732) Endurance double layer possum vest (zip up)
Price: AUD $170.00

Zip up sleeveless vest. Made in New Zealand.Unique double layer, double or nothing 36.6 deg. Possum and polypropylene blend.

(WS812) Classic Shearers woollen Singlet

(WS812) Classic Shearers woollen Singlet
Price: AUD $48.00

Wool, woollen essentials. Fabric 100% wool, made in New Zealand.